
This is the personal website for Andrew Yager. I had a website until some time in 2014, and then I took it down because… reasons. For other… reasons… it’s starting to come back to life. I’m slowly dragging some old blog posts out of the archives over here, and starting to add some new content.

In the mean time, move along – nothing to see here 🙂

Some recent ramblings…

2 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Dear Mr. Andrew Yager,

    I previously came to know you by watching a video in which you delivered an audio-visual presentation on how to build an awesome e-commerce website with commerce kickstart and drupal commerce in 25 minutes. In fact, I previously watched it more than once but not completely on this date.
    Otherwise, thank you for previously delivering that presentation during that Drupal Down Under 2012 event in Melbourne and thereafter benefitting me through YouTube where I first found that video before I downloaded and then watched it in person.
    In addition to that, I would now like to break the ice, strike a rapport and start a true, morally upright, genuine, mutual and enduring friendship with you from this minute of this date henceforth. Please think and reflect on all these without any string attached and then respond to me via e-mail in order to tell me what you thought concerning that within the next two days first.
    In the meantime, do not wonder how I look like and what I own but take a step of boldness with confidence and start a conversation to introduce us to and acquaint you and I with each other in the next two weeks in this month, first.
    On this date, I decided to visit ‘your website’ whose address I did not stumble upon at first but found as I previously watched that video. I wondered whether it is now possible for me to implement commerce kickstart and drupal commerce into a currently existent drupal website. If that is now possible, then tell me how to do it in writing or refer to a currently available audio-visual presentation, whether online or offline.


    1. Thanks for your very long and detailed message 🙂 Commerce has come a long way since those presentations, and the Commerce Kickstart project is great. Adding Commerce into an existing website isn’t too difficult, but I’d usually recommend you start with the Commerce Kickstart project to get a good idea of how it all works, and then look at adding the individual commerce modules to your site.

      Commerce Kickstart is also really good because it offers a lot of themes, custom views etc – most of which are built automatically by the modules you use, but I find it is an invaluable reference to come back to when I’m looking at Commerce projects.

      A quick google turned up this YouTube presentation that talks about adding Drupal Commerce to an existing site – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iILniz-Kobk. I don’t know if it’s any good, useful or even correct, but I’d say that it’s a great place to start. The Drupal forums, IRC channel and local community meetups are also great places to get help and info.


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